So today I'm sick. Well not terribly, I just have a headache. Enough to say "I won't concentrate in class AT ALL so I might as well just stay home". I finally applied for UAC today. It took like 2 minutes, way faster than expected....I have 7 preferences, and they arn't in order of high to low UAI' that bad? It goes like high low highish lowish etc least I can change the preferences as many times as I like up until January.
For our end of graduation mass we need a photo from Year 5 or 6 of us. I'm finding a ton of baby photos, and photo's from when I was like 5....but none from Year 5!? Dang it! Oh, and I found a photo of Amanda (
what_the_manda)...gosh we were so young!
This was taken at my Grandparents house at Longueville. It's funny, I remember this day vividly. I remember Dad used to complain about driving all the way from Manly, even though it's like a 20 minute drive lol.
Mum made me do it. And I'm shirtless???? :\ Gawd their backyard rocked though. They had the biggest pool. Actually, everything about that place was big...what do you expect when it's Longueville?
Me and my cousin Carla. They bought a farm at Hannam Vale, which is about 25 minutes from the outskirts of Port Macquarie. Thats probably a contributing factor to why my parents decided to move to Port. Oh, and those white things, the makeshift electric fence? I learnt that was electric the hard way =\
I took this on the day we moved to Port Macquarie. It's Mum's old car, a red Toyota Celica. I miss that car sometimes. I think I took the photo out of boredom because I remember Mum going "don't worry, I'll unpack your new bedroom. Run outside and play"...but I didn't have anyone to play with? I then met my neighbours (who have now moved to Gosford) Cassie and Ben, and they were my only friends until I started at my new school 2 weeks later =P.
Our house when it was finally built. It looks like shit's been beautified up now though. The front has a pergola thing and it's repainted and the backyard has been redone and I actually love my house nowadays. This photo is pretty old...we didn't even have neighbours was so rural its suburbia.
We went on an annual camping holiday over New Years from 1997 until 2002. This was the 1998 trip I think. At a place called Mylestrom, it's just near Coffs. I got sunburnt EVERY single trip. This photo was taken on like the second day, and we were there for eight days. Skin Cancerous to the max.
awwwwwwwwwwwwww.......lil' manda (
what_the_manda) when she came around one christmas. I got the trampoline from Santa =P...I was the coolest kid in the neighbourhood cause no-one else had how deprived was poor Port Macquarie...everyone in Sydney had one. Anyway, we all jumped on it until Matt (Amanda's brother) fell off it and Mum made it "2 people maximum" me and Manda were like "omg we bags!" (remember saying "bags?" lol)...and I remember playing handball on my driveway but it sucked cause our driveway was really steep. Memories!
So yeah, it was great to sift through old photographs...but I still can't find any from Year 5-6?? Well theres the camping one, but that sucks....I swear Mum has old school photos hidden either in a drawer or I'm just blind and they are in a picture frame that I've probably wandered past for years on end.
I-Pod news...well only Emma (
happyness4eva) cares =P...I finally pick the new green one up on Friday! yay!
I shall be at school tomorrow. I don't know why I took today off....I just feel like shit I guess, and I would have probably ended up snapping at Wheatland or something. I'm gonna go sort out my HSC notes.
EDIT: my university degree =\...under the cut.
The University of Blogging
Presents to
An Honorary
Bachelor of
Majoring in
Color Bars
Blogging DegreeFrom