New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina

Sep 04, 2005 17:28

I don't know if you guys realise...and the mainstream media hasn't really reported on it (EDIT: FOUND OUT THERE HAS BEEN ALOT OF COVERAGE, BUT I DIDN'T WATCH IT SO MEH), but the aftermath of this disaster is terrible.

We have friends in Florida and they have suffered...but not as much as those in New Orleans, where over 80% of the city has been under more than a metre of water. The water has now subsided...but the situation is borderlining on Apocalypse. Residents have not had access to food, water, electricity or shelter for over a week. Only THIS MORNING was the first dispatch of water dumped on a street corner, which ensured a throng of crowds and a riot which needed to be controlled by police and the national guard.

The eventual evacuation of the city has been unorganised and chaotic. As soon as a bus pulls in, frenzied people board the bus, not even knowing where it is going. Most of the time they are rejected at their destinations, as neighbouring states are now REFUSING to allow New Orlean refugees. And the segregation is amazing. With over 70% of the city being African-American decent, the national guard has blatantly placed priority on caucasion inhabitants of the city. They have allocated smaller buses for the black population, considering the black population is larger, I find this ridiculous.

Caucasion refugees have access to the following:
*Bottled water
*Trash Cans
*Soup Kitchen

It might shock you, but African Americans are sent to the superdome in Texas. This superdome has;
*No Shelter
*No trashcans
*No food

So basically, they are living on toilets and water. And there have been cases of murder and rape. And so starts my rant on racism. They say racism is almost nil, but how is this so when they are blatantly detaining African American peoples in conditions similar to the Holocaustal Death Camps of Nazi occupied Germany?? I find it horrendous and inhumane. And when it gets to the point where they arn't doing anything to save them, it makes me feel sick. Sick to be a human and to be in such a 'democratic' society.

In the lead up to Katrina hitting the area, the national guard placed importance on Evacuating Florida (where our friends live) and Mississippi, when they full well known that New Orleans (do not forget, over 70% of the population there is black) was in the path of Katrina aswell. It has been known for over 100 years that New Orleans lies below sea level, yet they blatantly ignored to evacuate the black population nor build proper defences against the rising flood waters. Since George Bush has been president, funding for the flood control of New Orleans has been cut....CUT...when he knew all full well that those funds were needed. This shits me off so much. Why bush....why? You fucking dickhead. You should be suffering, not them.

Sorry to go all soppie on this subject, but the blatant segregation scares me. It's funny how the segregation is sparked by something as simple as a natural disaster.
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