Is there Viagra for women?

Nov 01, 2011 10:58

Is there viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy for women?

It is very interesting question after male Viagra stormed the market all over the world. Is there female Viagra exists as a solution to sexual life? Women need to wait at the moment as there is no such Viagra invented for women yet. But it is believed that there is every chance of introducing female Viagra within a short period in the market. Many giant drug and medical companies are researching with curiosity if they could present the 'wonderful medicine' for women with sexual dysfunction all over the world.

The latest medical study

says around 43% of women globally suffer with sexual dysfunction, showing the potential of female Viagra in the market.

Sexual dysfunction in woman is closely connected with orgasm and lack of desire. The new Viagra for women would be focusing on that medical issue. The answer is not at all easy as orgasm of women is merged with emotions and feelings.

Viagra is designed to increase blood flow to the genitals. Viagra works well for many men who suffer with impotence - or erectile dysfunction - because it's considered a physical - rather than an emotional - problem. That's not to say that Viagra can't "restore function" for women, says Dr. Myron Murdoch, clinical instructor of urology at George Washington Medical School. It can, but it's not for all women. Some experts believe female Viagra could work for few women only.

At present best female Viagra is honest man who is ready to give honest love. True love is more powerful than any kind of Viagra to be invented.
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