001 ★ arrival on a shooting star

Jan 07, 2011 10:30

Um, wow, golly... the computers are bright here. I didn't think they'd be that bright. It's a little funny? I think. Is it normal? Is it like TV? I've never had a computer before. Sorry.

Right, yeah. Hi. I'm Waddle Dee. If you want, you can call me Dee... I guess. I like that name. It's alright. Easy to say? Easy, sure.

[Uhhhh, what else does he even... say. What is thinking of things to say on the fly?]

Well, um, I'm gonna be a student, if it's okay. Student. Means... I get to learn? Yeah. Thanks. For letting me live here, I mean. I mean, the headmaster reads this, right? If he can, thanks, because... thanks.

Heehee. [Okay, what next?] Um, if anyone needs someone to clean their windows, I can find something to climb windows with. Cleaning windows, I can do that. I think, yeah. I can help out. Yeah, I promise, I can do that. Yeah.

[And... what next? HM. Hm. Hmmmmm.]

Uh... I guess I'm gonna go for some food now. I can eat the food in the kitchen, right? Any rice balls? I like rice balls. They're pretty good. Thanks.

So uh... what else do I do here? What's there to do for fun? What's 'humanization'? Who's 'Ninten'? Uh, I hope I'm doing it right. Golly.

[Wow, he is not very good at this. He is just going to leave at that and submit it. Maybe. Sort of. A LITTLE.

He then realizes his post is already up in seconds and is totally surprised. IT'S LIKE MAGIC.]

first post?

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