002 ★ action / common room / open to anyone

Jan 13, 2011 20:53

[The Headmaster finally gave Waddle Dee his humanization item. At long last, a little red scarf was given onto him for human transformation. He would finally, finally be able to change form and take use of the more useful human body. Goodie!

Waddle Dee stood near one of the bulletin boards in the common room, staring down at the scarf in an almost mystified state. It would change him. It wouldn't be permanent either, but it would happen. He could finally make use of a different form. He'd probably even have a mouth, too! Imagine that!

He decided to finally wrap it around where his neck would be if he had one. He wasn't neckless for much longer after that, for in one, two, three seconds, he went from a stubby little Waddle Dee to a taller, yet still somewhat short human.

He was quick to feel around the new parts of his body. He felt his hair. He had hair! He touched his skin. It felt... different! Less cushion-like and stretchy than a Waddle Dee's flesh. He touched everything else that he could and then finally touched his mouth.

He opened it.

... Well, no, he tried to open it. However, that was a huge flop all in itself. His mouth could not open up.

He couldn't talk. He was immediately sent into a panic. He frantically searched the room and looked to find a little notebook, just laying there unattended with a crayon. Nobody owned this, right? Hopefully not, because he was going to make use of it.

He scribbled some lettering on it and stuck it onto the bulletin board in big, red letters. The words were big and clear, and they read this:


Waddle Dee looked on for other people in hopes of sighting someone.

He was absolutely terrified. What should he do?! How will he talk in this form?! Will he never be able to?]

this is madness

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