Woo for democracy! ...Or not?

May 05, 2005 16:40

Well, I've just voted for the first time in the general election for the government of my country.

It was a rather underwhelming experience. Put cross in box, fold paper, put paper in box. :P I'm glad I did it, though, given what people have gone through to secure my right to vote. Use it or lose it, I say, even if you only have a lesser of evils to choose from. Or better yet, start your own political party if you don't like the choices. :d

It's quite an interesting election this time, because - although Blair's "New" Labour will almost certainly get in again - there are a lot of discontented Labour supporters who are likely to vote for more fringe parties, or the "minor" major party in the UK (the Liberal Democrats) in protest at such things as cumpulsory ID cards, the Iraq war, and house-arrests of British citizens in the name of "national security". I'll be astonished if the Conservatives get in, given how disorganised and lacking direction they've been since 1997 when Blair got in, but things will probably be a bit more shaken up this time around.

I voted for Blair, but I was sorely tempted not to - he's pissed a lot of people off here over the past few years, including me, and claims to listen to our views, but appears not to hear them.

Given all that, though, I have most faith in Labour's ability to run the country, and I neither trust nor consider credible enough the LibDems to vote for them instead. Blair likes Europe, which I consider a good thing, and he seems to have done a halfway-decent job of keeping the UK relevant in the world, so I'll give his lot a chance.

Long live "democracy". Keep the bastards in power off-balance enough, and we might just survive long enough to start Wold War III.
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