I knew somewhere in my oddball collection I had a book that included various origin stories of DC characters, Golden and Silver Age versions. That charming volume was called Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes published in 1975 with a Neal Adams cover. Sadly I also discovered a clue as to why my knowledge of mythology is so terribly screwed up sometimes. I cannot believe I read "Wonder Woman", even after having the Greek and Roman myths in school, without cringing at the mixing of pantheons from Minerva and Mars to Aphrodite and Zeus. But the Golden Age "Hawkman" was even worse than I remembered. I did like the concept of the characters being reincarnated through time immemorial, although I've heard DC has taken it to extremes.
iced_spice, you should probably not read this story, since your Kemetic "Dad" will go all twitchy at being confused with Anubis. They clearly show a Hawk faced god figure, even if it isn't terribly Egyptian looking. Actually he looks more Buddhaish, now that I think about it. I never equated Anubis as evil, per se. I was usually taught that was Set's department. (Carter isn't actually described as an archaeologist in this story, btw, so some of his confusion could be explained away, fic wise, as the "I was young and inexperienced" thing.)
*blinks* One of the captions actually reads that he emerges "as a grim jest, in the guise of the Ancient Hawk-God Anubis". *facepalms* Um, no. Like I said, I hang around too many Kemetics.