Procrastination sometimes pays off

Feb 03, 2009 21:41

So bradygirl_12's questions about claims and challenges got me sighing over the lack of progress on my poor Fleischerverse claims for dcu_freeforall. I would not think a WWII/period inspired claim would be so hard for me to write, but lately, that covers just about anything. I half-started a story for "Peace Day" last year about V-J Day in Fleischerverse but that was followed shortly by the Great Laptop Crash of 2008. How do I procrastinate? Research, of course, and that means canon, Golden Age style.

I was researching the question of how they explained Clark Kent being stuck on the home front during WWII. Comic Book Urban Legends provided the answer in full detail. He failed his eye exam by reading the chart of the room next door to him! So he was declared 4-F and allowed to stay home and work as Superman. The actual sequence appeared in the comic strips, not the actual book itself. While looking for the issue reference in the GCD, I found out that the Fleischer toons actually made an appearance in issue #19! I haven't located scans of that issue yet, but it sounds like something I should read. It may be reprinted somewhere which is useful.

I also have to be careful. I nearly came up with an AU challenge based on the Multiverse/52. Each prompt is Earth-whatever, you then provide a story for each Earth. I'm not wild about sticking with all the canon DC AUs necessarily, but we'll see.

fleischerverse, aus, superman

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