2007 Year in Review

Dec 28, 2007 14:46

Can 2007 be over now please? It's been a rough year on several fronts. Fandom is no exception. I've bounced around all over media fandom this year with some surviving and others falling by the wayside. With the year nearly done, it’s time to start the annual "Year in Review" recap. I always think I haven’t written all that much until I do these things. Then I get depressed thinking about all the half-written stories still left on the hard drive.

I attended Media West Con in Lansing, Michigan again this year. Despite United Airlines' best efforts, I managed to get out of both Chicago and Lansing. And despite my health, I managed to enjoy myself, even if I’m inclined to avoid certain fandoms at cons and simply enjoy them on LJ. Depressing but healthier for my sanity.

I ventured slightly into the community front. I had been following Jaime Ray Newman's career since her SGA appearances, so it seemed natural I'd be the one to create jaimeray_newman.

My first fic of the year was for a completely new fandom. I wrote "A Hard Bargain" for a fic_on_demand request for a SPN AU of the "Crossroad Blues" episodes. This was halfway through the second season, before we realized how pivotal that episode would turn out to be.

Next I wrote about my favorite duo on "Bones" for the Angela/Hodgins ficathon. My entry "Cardamom, Tamarind, and Kokum" was a missing scene for "Man in the Cell".

I dithered for ages on my picfor1000 entry, hoping I could combine the photo with the old Thomas Crown Affair SGA AU still stuck in my brain, but that’ll have to wait for another day. Instead I wound up visiting the whacked out world of the Justice Lords in "Waiting on the World to Change". Not the most comfortable POV I’ve ever written, nor one I agree with.

SGA was one of the ones caught in the crossfire unfortunately. I did write about Rodney in "Crutch" and post yet another Lorne/Cadman snippet with "Truth Hurts", but the interest was waning. The cast changes and PTB attitudes about said changes had taken a lot of wind out of my fannish sails. Maybe I can get it back, maybe not. That’s why I never really leave fandoms, because as you’ve noticed, I do tend to drift back eventually.

With all the discussions on racism and characters of color on LJ, I hadn’t expected to make a statement of my own, but 2007 turned out to be the year I wrote way outside my comfort zone. It started innocently enough when I wrote "Scapegoat" for the teyla_bates MiniFest. Then I participated in Multiverse 2007, writing Inara Serra encountering Martha Jones in "Tea for Two". Finally I wrote "Hidden Strengths" for choc_fic about Kate & Eli from "Young Avengers". I hadn’t expected that to happen. I'm still not sure how successful I was, but I was glad for making the attempt and seeing the potential for improvement.

But 2007 was also the year I went back to a few fandoms, sometimes briefly, sometimes for extensive stays. I started rewatching Babylon 5 after a couple of episodes at Media West. I’d forgotten how much I’d missed that world.

For merfilly’s Memorial Day challenge, Brainiac Five reflected on his "Mistakes" (God knows he's made a few) or rather someone else reflected on them for him. Malcolm Reynolds was "Careful".

I still haven’t finished all the entries for the drabble meme, but I wrote a few. Ivanova reflected on why she doesn't trust Talia or any Psi Corps telepath in "Distrust". And Ororo contemplated the nature of "Faith" and how that came in the form of a blue teleporting mutant from the Munich Circus.

For Black Canary’s 60th birthday, I wrote two AU fics "Gotham's Finest" and "In Memoriam". This Dinah Drake who followed her father onto the police force.

The DCAU returned with a vengeance as I ploughed through the dvd sets of all four seasons. I haven't written up my thoughts on the first season of "Justice League Unlimited" yet. I wasn't entirely left with a warm fuzzy feeling after it was over sadly. That is why there's always fanfic.

If McKay/Cadman was last year's favorite pairing, rewatching JLU renewed my love for the Batman/WW ship and to a certain extent, the Lois/Clark/Superman triangle. (Oddly listening to the commentaries turned me way off the Hawkgirl/Green Lantern/Vixen triangle...) My first foray into writing for that universe was Suprises about Batman/Wonder Woman in "Starcrossed".

My second visit to the DCAU was more vicarious as I found myself in Gotham filling out a "Research Request" for dcdailylife. This story will be my epitaph for that job sadly.

Nanowrimo & mini_nanowrimo were caught up in the DC lovefest. I wrote "All She Needs" as a prequel for JLA/Planetary crossover. I wound up enjoying the Lois/Clark sections a lot more than the Bruce/Diana ones, but that might have been because the Smallville plot was more direct. I’m tempted to revamp that section as some kind of other AU. The closest thing would be an AU of "Superman for All Seasons", except Clark never became Superman in the original verse. For the mini_nanowrimo, I mostly wrote snippets of Bruce/Diana or Lois/Clark related fic which will hopefully someday appear in their full form. The only complete piece I shared was "Just a Girl" which was as much me railing about Halloween costumes as Stephanie Brown.

Unless I write something between now and Monday, my last fic of 2007 will be my entry for bigfinishlove’s Doctor Who Audio Ficathon. I wrote "Because I Would Not Stop for Death" featuring Eight and Charley from the Big Finish audios.

It's been quite a year.

year in review

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