Now even the plotbunnies are learning how to ascend

Feb 25, 2006 13:51

If this doesn't call for this icon, I don't know what does.

I was slammed by a bunny for the current sga_flashfic challenge last night. The fact I had acquired a bunny didn't unnerve me. That it references two of my least favorite SGA episodes (and least favorite female characters) in "Epiphany" and "Sanctuary" is more vexing. (I just realized the Ascension holding zone was called a "sanctuary" by Teer, wasn't it?) It probably won't be more than a double drabble really, but it'd be interesting to explore.

I should be working on stagesoflove and picfor1000. *scowls balefully at glowy bunnies*

stargate: atlantis

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