R.I.P HDD and... damn u, electricity company

Apr 19, 2010 19:28

One of my 2 HDDs died TT___TT
A lot of data are lost, but those that I grieve the most are:
- My whole collection of anime & J-music (except NEWS, Tegomass, SID and L'arc) :((((((((((((((
- Manga scanlation, artbook scan :((((
- Stocks for PS (textures, tutorials, brushes, fonts, etc) => I was just intended to make new layout, now it seems that I can't :((((((

There're things that I downloaded when I was still a middle-schooler, which means those stuffs that from 8-9 years ago. God, I will never be able to find all of those data back.

I was thinking about buying a new HDD just a few days before. So, if only it hadn't died this soon, I could have been saved the data to the new one. Why oh why!!! TT____TT


On the other hand,


My house had a power cut from morning to late afternoon, while our area wasn't listed in today's schedule of power cut.
It was already crazily hot, 36~38°C. But the more annoying thing is that when I tried to call the company to ask if there was a sudden problem or something, and when we would have electricity back, I couldn't get through all of their 4 phonelines.
- 2 of them were always ALWAYS busy, no matter when you called, no matter how many mins you waited until you tried calling again; and these 2 are the hotline ones.
- with the other 2 lines, no one picked up the phone, while it was 9:00~10:00 in the morning of Monday.
If you have phonelines for customers to contact, make sure they work or have some staffs to answer the phone.
Heck, it seems they mostly good at making sure us customers always pay the bills on time.


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