May you rest in peace

Oct 26, 2008 18:38

I just received a phonecall from one of Sylvi's friend, Veronica (no idea who she is) but she is nice enough to informed me that our dear friend, Sylvia Marina has just passed away 30mins ago. I couldn't believe my ears as it was an overseas call and I did not recognise the number. So I called Heppy instantly to confirmed. Heppy later called Sylvi's sister and the news is true after all.


03-05-1978 to 26-10-2008

I am still crying and shaking. I don't know what happened because she was getting better as she was said to be recovering from meningitis. Now I'm trying to remember when was the last time I talked to her T___T
I am still not over this yet but it would be unfair for us to not let her go peacefully.
I only got to know her for a year but we clicked pretty well and pretty much shared the same views in many things. We chat for almost every night and I consider her one of my best online friends. It is very sad that I never got the chance to meet her in real-life. It is sad that I did not get to talk to her when she was hospitalised. But all the memories I have of her are beautiful memories. And I am thankful that I was given the chance to be her friend.

This is my first time, losing a very close friend. But this also makes me treasure my loved ones more.

♥ Thank you Sylvi ♥ May you rest in peace ♥


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