Oct 26, 2008 03:34

I'm sure you guys have read this. So I will only update what is not found there.

Various reports on the con!

GanGanGanbatte has a very cute choreography! It's easy to remember and fans can dance along to it.

Yamapi was the one who suggested that the uchiwas be red in color too.

Most of the new costumes in this concert is designed by Shige.
(I'm not sure if he really designed most of the costume or maybe he gave suggestion for most of it. Fans wrote design so I used that.)

After the phototaking for the Uchiwa, Shige went to get his new haircut since he didn't quite like his previous hair.

Tegoshi is the one who has been demanding that they perform [Bambina] despite the rest being uninterested except for Yamapi.
During the discussion of the setlist, the songs chosen were written on the blackboard.
At one point, when Tegoshi was not in the room, the members quickly erased [Bambina] from the board XDD When Tegoshi came back, he instantly noticed that and went, "OEI~!"

Koyama will have a butai next year after the concert ends. Details is not disclosed yet. But some fans mentioned that highly possibly, this will be Koyama solo play and it might be a street-like performance cum musical.

Shige's solo:

In addition to what was written here,
  • the fans complained that Shige's position was too high up the giant diamond ^^
  • He was wearing a black outfit, holding the star-shape tambourine and his stand mike is red in color. The tambourine though, caused the crowd to burst into laughther....coz it kinda doesn't fit into his solo? Not sure about this haha
  • His solo song gives the "Blue hearts" feeling
    (Again this is only opinion from a few fans. I'm not sure if this girl is refering to the old japanese band Blue Hearts. or not...but Blue hearts' songs does seems very Shige)
    Check out their song:
  • He was wearing the ring on his right index finger XD

Koyamapi Duet:
  • Their duet came right after the MC, so they will have to excuse themselves in order to get ready for their song. Therefore, as of now, the last bit of the MC, will only consists of Tegoshi, Shige, Massu and Ryo. Their first 2 concert MC was became abit awkward once Koyamapi left xD
  • I think initially Tegoshi was supposed to be in charge of continuing the MC, but since he didn't do much, Ryo was said to take over that role.
    (This is a good opportunity for NEWS to practice their MC skills without Koyama!)
  • It is a ballad, Showa Era kinda song.
  • They were in suits and the dance to this song is very kakkoii!
  • Some says that the song seems to be about a sad love story. It gives the "Hostess" kinda feeling. And Yamapi's part of the song resembles a female style of speaking.
    (Meaning: Check out the lyrics of Kissu Kaerimichi by Tegomass. Massu is singing the "female style parts")

So I have just seen BJ and Fuka2 Live....PLEASE LET ME GO TO K8 NEXT CONCERT!!! K8 Concert saikou~!!!!!!!!
Maa~ Ive always love a LIVE band ^^


news: concert

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