Aug 16, 2019 03:41

Here's a view that some of you will appreciate. We have six years or 6 billion will die. A half hour interview on the BBC...

Co-Founder of Extinction Rebellion - Roger Hallam

How far are climate rebels prepared to go? Stephen Sackur interviews Roger Hallam, founder of Extinction Rebellion, a movement dedicated to mass resistance and civil disobedience.

Back in 2015, the nations of the world made a formal commitment to keep global warming below 2 degrees centigrade. So much for fine words; global greenhouse gas emissions are still rising. The data suggest the planet is warming at an alarming rate. What to do about it? Stephen Sackur interviews Roger Hallam, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, a movement dedicated to mass resistance and civil disobedience; how far are these climate rebels prepared to go?

listen here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3csy93l

(page here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csy93l#play)

What are your feelings?

extinction rebellion, climate models / predictions / prophesie, extinction events / mass extinctions

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