Apr 27, 2009 10:54
Surgery: Three days and counting.
Panic: Imminent.
I've got a lot to do before Thursday, mostly because I'm trying to get certain things taken care of before my hand is all splinted up. Cleaning house is at the top of my list. I also have to call the insurance company to see if they're going to cover the brand of glucose meter we bought. The testing strips are ridiculously expensive, so I'm really hoping they'll cover the brand we got. *crosses fingers*
Going to board the dogs from Thursday to Saturday, I think, because I suspect I'm going to be doped up on pain meds most of Friday. I really need to call the doctor and see if I can find out more details about the procedure. I have no idea how long it's even going to take, or I'm going to be put under for the procedure (I rather imagine I will be, since they are going to be opening up the bone, and I have no desire whatsoever to be conscious for that, but I don't want to assume).
Must also get all caught up on laundry. Should probably vacuum, too. These things probably fall under the rubric of "house cleaning."
Our yard looks like utter crap, and I'm going to call Mr. Landlord today. The guy he's paying to mow our yard is supposed to come every two weeks, and I'm pretty sure we're going on week three or four since he's been by. This wouldn't be SO bad, except they sprayed for weeds last week, so we have clusters of brown, dying weeds making the yard look totally trailer-trashy. And it just looks bad. And part of our rent is paying for this idiot to mow the lawn (and, oh, he IS an idiot, believe you me). So that's got to be taken care of.
Conference paper is back to a place where I'm working on it. Typing will be slower with my hand splinted up, but I should be able to type, period. I did open it up the other day and hated it instantly, so I did a little editing and am working on a new introduction and hopefully that'll be moving at a smoother clip again.
I think I'm moving away from my I HATE EVERYTHING mood, and no one will be happier to see that go than me.
iga conference