(my credit card has had a lot of use recently!)

Dec 05, 2007 13:02

Dear LiveJournal,

I hear you got bought again today by some Russian mob! I suppose nothing will really change, but it's interesting anyway :) I hope your new owners treat you as well (or better!) than your old owners!

Anyway, enough about you, lets talk about me! Firstly, post-CCIE I've put in an application at a university to study a Masters degree via distance, because tertiary qualifications are probably a neat thing to have. And for a change, it's a management-related qualification instead of purely technical, because studying tech can get a little boring :P It's not a given that I will get in though - because I don't have a completed bachelor degree (just a number of incomplete ones) my application is relying more on the strength of my work history and my industry certifications, and I have to wait to see if I get offered a place - fingers crossed!

And if I don't get in... well, I could rest for a few months and then maybe look at a second CCIE? A CCIE Voice could be fun :) (but oh god, i'm cringing at the thought of doing that much Cisco study again...)

The swimming is also going well! It's a bit of a "two steps forward one step back" thing sometimes, because while I try and concentrate on making one thing better other things get worse, but my stroke and style is already improving, and it's helping on a general fitness level. I also sadly lost my tiny pair of Aussiebum swimmers the weekend of the election (given they had "07" printed on them in bright pink, I think they were stolen by a Kevin07 fan!) - but I ordered two new pairs from Aussiebum and they arrived today. the first one (seen HERE) I like, but the second pair (seen HERE) I wasn't so keen on, so I've sent them back to be exchanged a different pair (seen HERE) instead. Not that it really matters cos I'm not brave enough to wear them in the pool yet without wearing boardies on top, but give me time :P

I also got a nifty shark tooth necklace from Hawaii via Ebay - I might post some photos up of me wearing them later. They're good photos :)

Tonight is the Cisco Christmas party, which will involve much revelry and alcohol, though I probably won't go too crazy as it's a school night. This weekend Jason and I are going down to Busselton/Margaret River for the weekend, which should be idyllic - it's been far too long since I've been down south :) And then more Christmas parties over the next few weeks! :)
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