So last Friday I realised that
boystrange and I hadn't been clubbing the whole time since he'd arrived from Hobart and he was flying out on Sunday - so we went to Court and Connies for a few hours and hung out with Chris and had a great time. Then Saturday night... we ended up going again :P This time hanging out with Andrew... I stayed until 4am, then slept in my car until 9am. Drive home, slept until midday, then woke up and went to Future Music (arriving around 3pm, being the slacker I am)... It wasn't quite as much fun as Summadayze, but it was still pretty good :) Danced with Chris and Helen and Scotty and a bunch of others until it finished... then went out to Court and Connies AGAIN :P tho it was more of a comedown from the buzz of the festival than anything else - I did run into one of the owners of Niche (the nightclub I spent every weekend in in Singapore, for those who have been reading my journal for more than four years) which was a pleasant surprise :) But in general on the weekend it was so much fun hanging out with Jai, I really love clubbing with him...
Monday we'd all planned to go to the beach, but everyone piked so Jason came over and we just lazed around instead. Tuesday was stupidly hot (42°C), so after the gym
kai_el_solo and I headed off to Floreat beach to cool off... it was 9pm by the time we got there, but still stupidly hot - Raf, Steven, Ric, Lewis, Ben and a few other joined us and we jumped around in the water for ages... headed back to Paul's, then went home. Wednesday was 42°C AGAIN (despite it being autumn here!) so I went to the beach after work with Jason, but we were lazy and didn't go in the water - just sat on the sand and talked and enjoyed the breeze - ended up getting Subway and eating it on Heirrison Island. Thursday I was thinking about going to the Exposed part but didn't - just ended up gymming with Paul and then hanging out with Jason again.
And now it's Friday, and the weekend is upon us again. Last weekend was a big change from me - from not going out at all, I went out three nights in a row! I'm not sure if I'll do it again this weekend or not, guess it depends what other people are up to. So far my weekend is wide open, but I always find things to do :)
(I've also been having vivid dreams recently... combined with the excessive heat. One night, I got arrested! Another night everyone else paired off and I was left all alone. I wonder what it is about the heat that makes me dream like that ? And for that matter, why is it that I can't lift as much at the gym when it's hotter ? :P)