A Fanfic Reader Blog

Jun 23, 2011 20:36

I figured it was time for me to use my LJ to journal/blog my thoughts about fanfic. Put up or shut up, right? It's super long and you'll definitely not read all of it, but fuck it, I don't feel like reading tonight and I'm the first to admit that I can not write a story to save the world. But I felt like writing my thoughts on this so... oh, I ( Read more... )

personal, fanfiction

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Comments 14

devymel12 June 24 2011, 00:41:24 UTC
I said metrosexual not whimpy pussy.

... )


vysed June 24 2011, 00:52:11 UTC
Mmmm. Hello Jon Snow. *purrs*


devymel12 June 24 2011, 01:08:25 UTC
You know what you need?
Some Robb/Jon slash



vysed June 24 2011, 01:09:57 UTC
NO I don't. Stop it. Are there any good GoT comms in LJ-land?


alby_mangroves June 24 2011, 01:38:59 UTC
I might never write an A/N again. Hell, I might never write again.

Seriously though, It's great this. Cheers!


vysed June 24 2011, 01:41:47 UTC
Don't you dare say that! I have to know what happen with your Bella/Edward. I must. I've already unrolled my sleeping bag in the warehouse and pushed all Jasper's shit in to the kitchen. I've moved in to your story, my friend. I even have a fucking 'buy ten, get one free' coffee card from Rosalie's diner.

*um yeah, I might get carried away a little bit*


alby_mangroves June 24 2011, 01:54:45 UTC
You've made me snort my coffee. It was quite revolting.

The rest is mostly written. All that I have to do now is insert copious amounts of adverbs, sprinkle everything with lavender, write my 5000 word epitaph A/Ns and figure out where to insert the information that Edward has an elephant-sized penis. Apart from that, I'm done!


vysed June 24 2011, 01:56:55 UTC
Excellent. *giggle*


kassiah June 24 2011, 02:41:39 UTC
This might possibly be my favorite LJ entry ever. You're brilliant. And pretty.

And this: "dew-dropped, effervescently smooth, and jade grass standing like soldiers ready to meet the dawn" yeah- I liked it.


vysed June 24 2011, 02:43:10 UTC
*squishes you* Thanks, Kas. I was reallllly bored tonight. LOL


see_zee June 25 2011, 19:31:06 UTC
So, my lady. I need some advice. I have gotten hooked on E/B fics. Good ones that is. And as I know you only read good ones, spill the beans will you?

Pretty please with oily naked Edward on top?


vysed June 25 2011, 22:01:14 UTC
What have you read so far? I don't want to link you to a bunch of fics you've already read. For now: Start with my fanfic profile and see my current top 10 faves here: http://www.fanfiction.net/~vysed

Then let me know the few you are reading or have read lately. I also have a TON that I saved as pdf's that I can email you.


see_zee June 26 2011, 16:12:28 UTC
I'll take a look. I haven't read a lot, I'm picky of that I like. I'll get back to you. Thanks. I should register there.

And take a look at this one, it's vulgar, but funny.



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