Nov 04, 2011 17:41
United nations organization presented new report about how different countries ranks according Human development index. HDI is the most respected index allowing to compare development level of different countries. This index includes not only economical parameters but also various sociocultural parameters such as expectancy of life, the violent crime rate, the probability to be killed, the quality and diversity of food , the quality and availability of water resources, etc. , etc. Anyway this index is treated as the best index to compare the quality of life in different countries and still human mind don't find anything better.
Different countries are ranked not only in the order of their HDI but they also are grouped in the 4 different groups. This year for the first time United nations organization ascribed Lithuania to the best group - Countries of very high development (in the 1990s they treated us as the country of Medium development, in 2000s as the country of high development , in the 2010s as the country of very high development, so what's about 2020s ). And for the first time Lithuania was placed ahead of any country from "old Europe" - Portugal ( Lithuania 40, Portugal 41). We are significantly behind Slovenia (nr 21), Czech Republic (ranked 27). Impressive position has Estonia (ranked 34) but not so far from us (in principle our "neighbors" in the table are Slovakia (35), Hungary (38), Poland (39), Latvia (43)).
Norway is the number 1 this year (interesting if they will be in the lead next year when terrorist attack of Anders Breijwik will be accounted), Australia 2, Netherlands 3.
The one thing is interesting: if this is the reason for joy ? :)