Let's have a look at this mod, shall we?
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4497 The author made the unfortunate decision that people should update their votes after every update of the mod itself. While that is a good unwritten practice, making it into a written policy brings complications.
I only remove outdated votes at the author's request. One guy took offense to this. Now he makes it his duty to challenge me every chance he gets. I do not say this out of ego; on the contrary, those who know me know that I am a very quiet and unassuming individual. But fact that he began his most recent post (before I hijacked it to deliver my ultimatum) with "Ms. Admin"--under the cover of giving his opinion of the latest update to justify his previous vote--shows that he does not care about the mod at all. If he did, he would've given constructive criticism. Instead, he chose to play the Pharisee and is now trying to trap me with my own rules (or technically, the rules the author has set up).
This has nothing to do with the mod anymore. He just has to topple "the mighty admin" to prove that he's right and everyone else is wrong. Well, bucko, it is not the letter of the law, it is the spirit of the law that must be upheld. I can tolerate someone challenging my authority, but he is using the author's mod as an excuse to one-up me, and I will not have him harassing the author in this fashion. Because it is harassment, it is trolling, and I still ban people for that.
The funny thing: one would expect that it was the author who reported this guy to me. It was not. It was another user of the site who was just so sick and tired of his antics. Well, I'm sick and tired of it, too.
There are some days that I miss Lord Devil...