I don't think we've done anything special on the Fourth in years. (Special as in "spend the holiday with the godparents" and/or "go to see fireworks.") But when my dad's away, plus various other reasons like Thomas's ex-girlfriend STILL living at my godparents' house, we don't tend to do anything special. This year was a little different.
We met more people from WoW.
Two people from our raid group recently relocated to Jacksonville, and we got to meet them--in person--for the first time. But really, that was just a bonus since Malk and Teevi only asked us if we would be interested in seeing Get Smart today; we didn't know Elyle and Ishuna were going to be there, as well. :D
Our Fourth of July fare consisted of the Orange Park Mall food court. And of course, we talked about geeky stuff only WoW people can appreciate (like the time our raid stumbled upon
Squid Cyborz).
Here is the
thread that spawned from it.
As for Get Smart, Steve Carell made an excellent Maxwell Smart. I like how they balanced his strengths and weaknesses. I thought he would be the stereotypical bumbling fool; I was wrong. He was kinda dorky, but he was also a very effective field agent and also a crack shot. The overweight thing was a nice touch, and the ballroom dance where he asks an overweight wallflowers to a dance was one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie.
Anne Hathaway also worked very well as Agent 99. I think they meshed perfect for the action scenes, but for some of the more romancy stuff, I could've gone without. Even though their characters are supposed to be closer in age, the actors... um... yeah. And Terence Stamp: badass at first, but kinda had a ridiculous demise; but considering this is a comedy, I can understand. (For his villainous roles, I think I liked him best in Oblivion. ^^