(no subject)

Jun 16, 2006 09:24

Four Jobs I've had:
1. Bank Teller
2. Book Seller
3. Pawn Shop Manager
4. Shoe Store Associate

Four Films I Can Watch Over and Over
1. The Crow
2. Serenity
3. Tombstone
4. Pirates of the Carribean

Four Places I've Lived
1. Iowa
2. Iowa
3. Iowa
4. Iowa

Four Current TV Shows I Enjoy
1. Alias
2. CSI
3. Any of the Emergency Vet/ Animal Police shows on animal planet
4. Watching Boxing/kickboxing/martial arts on cable

Four Foods I Like
1. Fruits
2. Chocolate
3. meat
4. seafood

Four Places I've Vacationed
1. San Diego, CA
2. Kentucky (can't think of what city, but it's the area with the horse park)
3. Amana Colonies, IA
4. St. Louis, MO

Four Web sites I Visit Daily
1. www.ketv.com
2. www.twolumps.net
3. www.exiledheros.org
4. www.vspn.org

Four Things I'd Like to Do Before I Die
1. Be healthy
2. Ride an endurance race or two
3. Own a house with land and horses
4. Vacation alot of places with Greg

Four Things I Miss From College
1. as soon as it's over, I'll let ya know ;)

Four favorite drinks
1. Diet Dr Pepper
2. Diet Pepsi
3. Iced Tea
4. Coffee in lots of different forms

Four random things about yourself
1. I am a cat person
2. I get bored with things easy
3. I am an introvert in a major way
4. I am nothing without my family

Four things you’d like to change about yourself
1. I want to lose weight and be healthy
2. I want to be happy with who I am
3. my laziness
4. My hairstyle. I'm bored with long straight hair.

Four things you like about yourself
1. My eyes
2. my ability to feel compassion for those I love
3. My life, it's crazy sometimes, but it's full of happiness and laughter
4. my lips

Four of your Favorite People
1. My son
2. My Greg
3. my mom
4. my sister

Four things you cannot live without (not basics)
1. Computer
2. Sunshine
3. Broadband!
4. Sex

Four of your favorite hobbies
1. Horses
2. World of Warcraft
3. Reading
4. collecting Dvds :P
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