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Jun 07, 2006 23:51

A quickie update. I've been meaning to do more, but haven't had the damn time to do all the things I have to get done.

It's been a long day. The alarm started going off at 4:30am. Keevan had his tonsils and adnoids out, so spent from 6:10am til 3pm at the hospital. Squeezed in an hour nap after we got home, and here it's almost midnight, and I'm still awake. I have a dose of pain meds to give to Keevan, then I can sleep til 3am. Then another dose of meds, and I get to sleep past the 6am pain meds cause Greg's gonna give that one since that's wakeup time anyways. I don't even want to think about how many hours I've been up :( Makes me too tired.

This week is going to be a long one. Keevan is doin very well after surgery, and is mostly happy and energetic as long as the hydrocodone is kicking in. He gets very upset when the meds wear off. Let's here it for modern medicine.

Spring semester went ok, got 3 b's and 2 a's. Kinda sucky cause my GPA went down, but considering how hard the classes were this semester, I'll take it. We had an instructor quit, so we're down to one where there's supposed to be three. Should make it interesting to see who they hire now, since they're in a huge hurry since two have to be hired by fall. Summer classes started yesterday, my online class started last week. I am tired of school already and it's just starting. The online class sucks, mostly because it's Intro to Pysch and i'm really not into it at all. But it was easy and got me out of taking a night class this fall, so I'm not going to complain too much.

Well, midnight fast approaches and I gotta wake the kid up for more meds. This will be fun, he's as happy as I am when woke up in the middle of the night...
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