A date with my parents!

Apr 15, 2007 20:26

Ah...today was super fun! Cheap and wonderful entertainment! The only bad thing was that it was soo cold and the concert was outside but it was still so much fun. It's the closest you can get with the singers too! They're like RIGHT THERE. We sat pretty close and they even came down to the audience so I was able to take pictures with some singers and see them realllllly up close! I ends at 8 though so its just too cold and we were too hungry to stay until it finishes. Besides...the kids were at home while Mom, Dad, and I went to the concert so we didn't want to leave them for too long. I'm back at school now and my parents went home. After we left we went to eat dinner. It was fun and really good.Just what we needed because by then I was freezing.

So...I saw Dalena, Phillip Huy, Henry Chuc, Cong Thanh va Lynn, Phuong Hong Que, Trung Chinh, The Son, Lam Nhat Tien, Dang The Luan, Doanh Doanh, Mai Le Huyen....among so many others! There were sooo many singers that came to the charity event. It was amazing. All that excitement so I'm basically high right now :D

I probably sound like a dork but I was born with this passion for music so today was so much fun beyond beyond.

time to go study for my test!

Until next time...one super happy Maivy signing out. ah btw the singer/mc Mai Vy was mc-ing the concert today too...hehe
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