(no subject)

Sep 24, 2020 01:42

Earlier tonight I went to the Supreme Court to pay respects to RBG*. when I got back to the car, I fell into the internet for a while, and I learned 1) that two police have been shot in Louisville, ascribed to the expected protests**, and 2) DJT has discussed throwing out ballots rather than a peaceful transition should he lose. Many people on my page are sharing a medium article by a wargame designer, about the expected coming Troubles. Others are reminding people to stock up in preparation.

See also Atlantic on this election, and the unlikelihood of a concession.

Oh, and also, leaked chat logs about pro Trump violence pre-planned in Portland

Edit: Heather Cox Richardson with the summary of today. It's worse than even I thought.

*Pictures and live blog over on my FB page; dreamwidth remains pretty annoying for doing much with pictures. If you don't know to find my page, send me a message, and if you don't have Facebook at all, ping man maybe I'll send some in an email.

** Which were honestly all but guaranteed. There was nothing to charge them with. The problem was the system in the first place. That there are warrants to serve, plain clothes, breaking down a door in the middle of the night, perhaps announced or perhaps not announced - accounts differ, but it is completely understandable that the boyfriend would think it a home invasion and shoot at the invaders and at that point it is completely within policy to return fire. And so the only thing they could charge the individual officers with were the one guy who fired all over the damn place. And so justice is not served because you cannot indict the entire police policy. Granted, I was not expecting police to be shot, and everything is going to get far worse now. This entry was originally posted at https://vvalkyri.dreamwidth.org/1749917.html. You can add to the
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