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Oct 09, 2019 00:09

Placeholder: If you've followed me long enough you know I usually attempt to be eloquent this time of year about mending relationships, but it's late and I'm exhausted and have been on the edge of sick this whole trip. It's a certainty that I (or honestly anyone) have accidentally or unthinkingly hurt people over this past year, in word or deed. Even more so as I've been all the more brittle and spacey especially after Dad died.

If I know there's an issue between us I can and will attempt to address (and ideally would have already done so in prior weeks), but if I don't know, I can't. Please don't assume I know. Please consider letting me know by message or email.

In the morning, I'll go back to the synagogue where my great grandfather's name is on the wall of prior presidents (1942-46), and where my grandmother and then mother grew up. I've discovered I'm a bit wigged out by hidden choirs on speakers, and am told that they'll be downstairs in the afternoon. I've not seen this reform book before, and I can't take phone pics of the poetry that's already spoken to me; I'm tempted to buy a copy.

And now, hopefully to sleep.

Or actually to start writing more on DW but I really shouldn't, because I desperately need a long night's sleep and even if I don't sweat getting to shul at the start at 10 the Airbnb people want to get the linens at 11.

There's so much to write and so many thoughts but mostly everything's been so nonstop YK was welcome alone time. But I do wish I'd have had the room more. I have some guilt there that mybe i'll go into later, about a different Airbnb run by a friend of the bar mitzvah mom, but I hadn't been all that into the room I'd had so i'd debated... and then when I pinged in the afternoon it was less notice than she'd felt comfortable givig her housemate. I'm sure I could have chilled in the house tomorrow, too. Serves me right I guess.

Debating taking a bus home Friday instead of flying home Saturday. I achieved sinus infection last Friday morning but doctors office actually listened to me and it did vastly improve with abx, but it means the every night somewhere else is taking a toll. And I'd use some of the enforced downtime to work on / finish my Blues Experiment pplication…

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