There was something about this photo that made me so very amused I had to share. Saw it over on ONTD_Political, of all places (not so very political). Anyway, it's this walrus's 30th birthday.
In other news, I have a whole bunch of links, some of which I might even be able to find, and some of which, if I'm lucky, aren't solely on ThinMint The iPad. To start with, I found this
a useful little list, especially if one translates #24 to be "buy something extravagant."
I mentioned yesterday about
exercise reducing breast cancer risk and that apparently
fat seems to augment rheumatoid arthritis (beyond stress on joints). While I'm at it, and since it's right there, here,
weird Lone Star Tick bite meat allergy thing.
Actually the most important thing that I saw today was about
a pilot program to offer confidential rapid HIV testing at retail pharmacies, and train providers in the associated counseling.
And semirelatedly, the Onion strikes again re health news:
Renowned Hoo-Ha Doctor Wins Nobel Prize For Medical Advancements Down There