Various, sundry.

Jun 25, 2012 16:49

1) The weekend - exhausting, and yes, I made something of it: Friday night first went to Costco with Bfudlmint and then joined him and Leiacat for some moving stuff. It was good to have the time with them. Eventually got home around 2 and for goodness knows what reason stayed up til nearly 5. Saturday was up around noon and lost 1.5 hrs to the computer, then doggedly insisted to myself that I had to make kale salad, necessitating a trip to the store for tomatoes and a lot of time demonstrating poor Kitchen skillz (i.e. it taking forever for something simple). Didn't make it up to DanceTeamDave's in Columbia, but did go out to M's graduation party/contra prom at Glen Echo, danced a couple dances at the contra prom, then went back to R&A's for the housecooling. Was glad for some last dances and for non-dance time with R&A. Managed to drag Grimclown onto the floor around 3:30am as part of finally leaving. Got to bed 5:15, but not before emailing Cacle suggesting getting together around 4. Eventually did get together with Cacle a bit before 4, though not as early as hoped when the decision was made that instead of waiting for laundry at home I could just bring it. It's been too long since I've seen her. Joined up with Lioness & Co for Brave at 6:30, then hung out after for a fair while, occasionally looking stuff up on ThinMint. Good to see them and Chris.Camrin.

2) Brave has, oddly enough, suffered from being Pixar. Over and over on Rotten Tomatoes there's been this refrain of If it were Disney or Dreamworks I'd say it was awesome, but I expect better from Pixar. Plbbt. At least the uber spoilery podcast folk note that it's "better than Cars." (The discussion of whether or not Merida, owned by Disney, would be a Disney Princess was interesting.)[spoilercut re reference]I need to see more Miazaki (sp?) if some of those sequences were very much him

I liked it a lot more than I liked Tangled. I want to see it again, as there was something up with the projection, which was a shame given some of what was in 3d. And it's one of the only animateds I'm familiar with that has both a female protagonist and a strong mother figure. Some small spoilers, but this review is better than the others at keeping most stuff under wraps (I, for one, was glad not to know where the story would go; you might not want to read this one, either.) Edit: this one's less spoilery

Oh right! There's another Monsters Inc coming out. The previews last night, omgomg. Very funny previews. Monsters, Inc., ParaNorman, Hotel Transylvania, and I'm sure several others.

3) Of interest to only a few on my Flist, but of great interest to those few (and perhaps y'all already know): OB is bringing Ultra back. I found this out via one of those usually annoying receipt tape ads whilst checking out at Target pharmacy.

4) I have plane tickets up to Bostonish this coming weekend. I feel very out of time to make arrangements and am highly tempted to delay by two weeks, which would be far easier on the leave, Physical Therapy, and Drs appointment fronts. Who is in Bostonish when, and who will be sad with me in which direction?

5) Uh, here's the post I thought I made on Saturday: Unsurprisingly, I have a lot less hand strength in my left than my right. But i injured my right thumb at PT last week and so it's better if I try not to open things with my right hand, as I'm really trying not to keep stressing the joint. In fact, I need to try to find a brace that covers my thumb.

And just now I couldn't get the toilet cleaner open as it's one of those squeeze-first.
I probably could with my right hand, but I risk hurting myself. I hate this.

Now saying that all, lest anybody get OMGOMG on me, it's mild. The left hasn't been hurting on its own for weeks, thogh I still do get some positional tinglies and PT can make it hurt, but only a little, nothing compared to a couple weeks ago. The right, well, if I do stupid things like forget not to hold a full bag of stuff by my thumb, or get my thumb too involved with a seat belt connection . . it complains, and might swell a bit. It doesn't complain all that /much/, but I don't want it to get Ideas.

It's fine when I don't do something wrong, and doesn't hurt lastingly if I dom, but pain is a message of Don't Do That.

The constant having to think about stuff I usually do automatically in order to protect that joint and not injure it further has gotten really old and it's been less than a week.

Lots of stuff going on today. I know I'll be at Dance Night Housecooling (already started) and may or may not get to a graduation dance and another cookout.

6) and since I need to get bact to work rather than linksausaging (although I will mention news about fat's somehow augumenting rheumatoid arthritis (well, it is an endocrine gland kinda) and large amounts of exercise cutting breast cancer risk by 1/3) so I'll just leave off with a link that made me go WTF Schools Are Insane: Apparently sunscreen is classed as an OTC drug schoolkids aren't allowed to have, and hats are somehow also prohibited, so go enjoy your field trip of pain, kids!

weekend, random, health

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