
Jan 07, 2011 15:28

Once upon a time, I learned that many people I knew had not encountered whole artichokes in their foodstuffs.

As it turns out, this seems to also be the case with pomegranates. I've got a pomegranate here at work today; last time I went through one I couldn't manage to give any of it away, although my favorite comment was from one guy who blamed his fear on Persephone's plight.

Today, my former bosslady was brave enough to try one single seed, which she said was tasty. Before that, another former colleague had seen my just started pomegranate and exclaimed in horror that it looked like an exposed brain.

So I've been taking pictures of my progress, and I guess I see what she means re BRAAAIIIN:

And the marvelously messy aspect of pomegranates shows up most wonderfully, here in this last one: 

In other news, no sudafed today and not too much awfulness.  Yesterday really needed it, and who knows if that's why once I got home from 12ht night dinner (and early!  We wrapped up by maybe quarter to 10) and stayed up not too insanely late, I still couldn't sleep. Fooey.   Unsure where the evening will go -a short time at a bowling thing, to give greetings, and then after that probably laundry and sleep, as I Want To Kick This Thing, and the weekend's pretty filled.  And it'sless than a week before I'm to fly to Arisia.  And there's no shuttle to the not-host hotel this year, so reclaiming health would be a good thing.

In further other news, no need to run to Florida. Somewhat possible that I'll fly down midmonth instead of the beginning of the month, but I'm kinda happy not to be gone quite so long or so early.

And now to drink some more tea and eat some leftover pumpkin.  It wasn't what I thought I was ordering at the Afghan restaurant, but it was tasty nonetheless.

sick., pomegranate

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