I really wish I was more creative with subject titles. ._.

Jun 02, 2009 23:36

So. I now have a degree in International Studies with a focus in Asia. Being a college graduate doesn't feel much different than before, but then again, I've kind of felt the same throughout college as I did through high school, give or take some drama. ^^; My graduation party was okay. Unfortunately, due to heavy Baton Rouge traffic, I didn't get to the party until about 6:00pm (the party was supposed to start around 3:00-3:30pm), so most people couldn't stay that long, but it was great to see those who did come. ^^ I got mostly money as presents, which is cool, though I also got a scrapbook and a notepad cover with a 'K' embroidered on it from some family friends, and Wii Fit from my parents, which was awesome.

Now for the big news. Remember a couple entries back, when I said I made alternate in JET? Well, I was upgraded! 8D (For those of you that check Facebook, etc, you may already know this.) It actually happened a while back, but I'm really slow when it comes to updating this thing. >_> So yes, I'll be leaving for Houston probably on July 23rd or 24th, and I fly out on July 25th. Before anyone asks, no, as of right now, I have no idea where I'm going in Japan. The people that were chosen first have gotten their placement locations, but those that were upgraded from alternate have not. Which sucks, cause that means even more waiting for me. ;_; But yes, I'm really excited. XD I'm also super nervous, though, because the first two or three days I spend in Japan will be at seminars and lectures and things, and then, when I get to wherever they put me, I have to do my alien registration, open a new bank account, find out where I'm living, etc, which will be really hectic and nerve-wracking. But at least I'll get to meet more JET people, including some in my area, and meet the teachers I'll be working with and all of that other cool stuff. X3

Aside from slowly packing up my apartment to get it ready for shipping or storage, I haven't been doing much. I work MWF at work now, so I have Tuesdays and Thursdays free, if anyone ever wants to hang out or something. My weekends are pretty full, though, as that's the only time my parents can help me with things. ^^;

So...yeah. That's it. XD Later!


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