5 Naruto Drabbles

Jun 10, 2010 21:36

Title: 5 Naruto Drabbles
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: one shot
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara/Sakura, Naruto/Sakura | Deidara/Sakura | Shikamaru/Ino, Shikamaru/?? | Chouji | Tenten/Sasuke, ??/Tenten
Rating: PG to NC-17
Genre: various
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor am I making money from this.
Summary: 4 Naruto drabbles.
Notes: I put my ipod on shuffle and then wrote drabbles to whatever song came on. I have not written fanfics in a while so this is me easing back into writing.

o1. Panic! At The Disco - Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Deidara x Sakura, Naruto x Sakura - NC-17 - AU

Sakura could not stand to look at Naruto's face. She could not stand to see that stupid grin or those stupid eyes. She did not want to look into those eyes and see the unwavering love or the unquestioning trust he held for her. She did not want to see the pain. She did not want to see the pain in those eyes because she knew that he knew.

"Where were you, Sakura?" Naruto asked in a cheerful voice.

"I got held up at work," She lied. She could not bring herself to look him in the eyes. Naruto was talking now but Sakura could not focus on what he was saying because her mind was thinking about something else. Someone else.

Sakura moaned even louder now as the man on top of her started moving faster. She was grabbing onto his shoulders tighter now. She knew that he was going to have scratch marks in the morning but she did not care. This was how they always did it. This was how Sakura wanted it. Rough, hard and fast.

Her nails scratched down his muscular arms. She could feel the orgasam building up inside of her. "Deidara, please." She cried out letting him know that she was almost over the edge. The blond man moved a little faster and a little harder until he felt the muscles around his cock tighten and the slender body beneath him arch up. Sakura dug her nails deeper into his arms as she felt the flood of orgasam wash over her. It did not take long for Deidara to follow her. Still inside Sakura, he thrust a few more times before his own orgasam hit him.

They both stayed like that, panting for a few seconds as they tried to catch their breath. He was looking down at her with that look in his eyes. She had seen it before. She wish she did not know what it ment.

She could not stand to loook at his face. She did not want to see those eyes looking down at her like that. It was Sakura who pushed him off of her. She got off of the bed and started to gather her clothes.

"Why don't you leave him?" Deidara was still trying to calm his breathing as he spoke.

"Why Sakura?" He was crying now. He was crying because of her. The dinner he was cooking just for her was nothing more then a mess on the floor now. She never wanted to hurt him. She never wanted her lie to hurt him.

o2. Cooking By The Book (lil' Bigger Mix) - Deidara x Sakura - PG - Crack Fic, Humor

Deidara had some weird habbits, Sakura noticed. She learned that it was better not to ask questions However his weirdest habbit had to be his unexplained desire to dance whenever he was cooking.

Sakura watched with one raised eyebrow as the man moved around the kitchen. His headphones were plugged into his ears as he moved his arms and ass along to the music. She could only guess that he was listening to. It was probably the latest club hit or a very catchy remix. Her arms were crossed over her body now but she was smirking, truely amused by her boyfriend's dance skills. He was working it better than Ino and that was surprising considering that Ino was known as a wonderful dancer at the clubs.

"Like what you see?" The blond teased her.

It was only when she looked up and saw him looking over his shoulder and grinning at her did she realize that she had been starring at his ass intensely. Deidara winked at her before turning back around and picking up an egg. Sakura blushed. They had been dating for six months but she was still not used to how flirty he was.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked trying to regain her composure.

"Baking a cake." With that he plugged the earphones back into his ears and continued with his cooking.

Sakura just shook her head and mumbed an 'unbelievable' before leaving the kitchen.

o3. Beyonce - Ring The Alarm - Shikamaru x Ino, Shikamaru x ?? - PG


"No!" The blonde shouted back. "I refuse to put up with this any longer." She shook her head. "I was willing to believe you, Shikamaru." He was not looking at her any more. He couldn't. "I loved you." She was shoving more clothes into the bag now. "But that wasn't enough, was it?" She still refused to cry. "I won't sit back and watch this any more, Shikamaru." She zipped up the bag. "If you want her, you can have her." She took the engagement ring off of her finger and gentley set it down on the nightstand in front of him. His head remained turned away from her, eyes casted down. "I'm going to visit my parents for a week," her voice was confident without giving away a hint of the hurt she was feeling that moment. "When I return I expect all of your things to be gone." Ino held her head up high and walked out of the room, out of the house, out of the three year relationship, out of a future that she up until today believed would be a happy marriage.

o4. Freshlyground - Pot Belly - Chouji - PG - Angsty

He was not about to give up on love yet. Sure, he was not the most attractive man in town. He would be the first to admit that. He was not the most in shape man out there but he would not call himself 'fat' either. He just had a little pot belly is all. He enjoyed good food. Was that so wrong? Chouji looked down at the flowers in his hand and sighed. In a way he was used to the rejection but it was still not easy to deal with. Still, it was not his lost. If they could not see him for who he was, if they could not look past his physical apperance then it was better that they rejected him. After all, he did not to date a shallow girl with no substance. He deserved more. Even with a pot belly he had a lot of love to give. Sitting up from the bench, Chouji brushed himself off before sticking his hands in his pockets and casually walking away. He would pick up the pieces. He would get through this again. The flowers laid forgotten on the bench.

o5. Riskay Feat. Aviance and Real - Smell Yo Dick - Tenten x Sasuke, ?? x Tenten - Angsty

Sasuke rooled over and sighed. Gripping the sheets tighter he slowly opened his eyes. He did not want to look at the clock because then, if he looked at it, it would confirm what his mind already knew. "Five in the morning," he groaned. Sasuke rolled over so that he was lying on his back now and brought his hands up to his face. He wish he could make his mind shut up. He just wanted to go to sleep. He did not want to think about where she was or who she was with. If he thought about it then he would have to face the reality - the reality that his mind had worked so hard to avoid. The buzz of his cell phone brought him out of his thoughts.

Reaching over on the nightstand table, Sasuke picked up his cell phone and flipped it open. it was a picture of her with that man. Tenten. His Tenten was with that man. Sasuke angerily flew his cell phone across the room. He could not run away from it any more. He heard the front door being unlocked and opened making him clutch the sheets beneath him more. He silently listened to her foot steps as she made her way around the apartment before coming to the bed room.

"Sasuke," a whisper.

He let go of the bed sheets and sat up. "Where have you been?"

"You know where I've been," she was nervous now. She was walking around the room, taking off her jewerly, putting things down on the dresser. "I was with the girls. We were-"

"Just the girls?" His voice was cold and calm, giving no hints to the anger and hurt that he was feeling. She had stopped moving now. It was over. They both knew it. The trust was gone. There was no more escaping reality or trying to pretend that they still had something.

tentenxsasuke, au, pg, narutoxsakura, deidaraxsakura, crackfic, angst, shikamaruxino, humor, nc-17, het, chouji

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