
Aug 09, 2006 22:36

Title: Poison
Length: oneshot
Pairing: Die x Shinya, Kaoru x Shinya
Rating: R for graphic stuff
Genre: AU
Diclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Dir en grey, I am not making money off of this and this event did not happen.
Summary: Die thinks about Shinya's death.
Notes: From Die's POV. this is the sequeal to toxic (http://helldarkangel.livejournal.com/27283.html) You don't have to read that first but it would be better that you did. It explains Kaoru. There's mentions of Kaoru in this but it doesn't come out and name him.

Oh God Shinya! Why? Why did this have to happen? Why didn’t I stop this? I could have. I could have and then you would be here safe in my arms. But I didn’t. I didn’t and now all I can do is sit here with my head in my hands and cry.

I can’t believe I let you go with that sick man. I was just so blinded with jealousy when I saw him kiss you. I wanted to surprise you and show up at your door. I brought some roses for you. That night I was going to confess my love for you. But I saw another man there. I saw him kiss you and push you into your apartment. Dejectedly I left. The roses dropped to the ground and I walked away with my head down. If only I had stayed. If only I was man enough to fight for you. Then this wouldn’t have happened.

You would not have died.

I want you back Shinya. I want to hold you, tease you, hug you, kiss you…Why did he have to take you away? Why did I have to leave you alone with that freak? I didn’t even know about your death until I read about is in the paper. It was three months after your death that you were found. Don’t think I didn’t question this because I did. I went to your house but you didn’t answer the door. Of course you didn’t. A dead person can’t answer the door. So I called the police.

It took three months for them to fins your body. Three long months. And when they did it was the sickest ting ever.

Your body was perfectly preserved on his bed. Your body was lying there naked with only a blindfold on to cover your eyes. I could feel my stomach twist and turn when I read the newspaper and it didn’t get any better as I drove to the police station.

They told me the gruesome details of your body. I was still in denial that you were dead. I didn’t want to believe it. I had to see it for myself. I made them take me to see you. I whish I didn’t.

The police took me to his house and into his bedroom. There you were. You were just lying there lifelessly on the bed. The blindfold was the only thing coving you. Your mouth was open. I could see dried semen on your lips. His dirty dick was in your mouth. I was angry and disgusted at this man. Who would do such a thing like this? What kind of person could murder and rape another person? It wasn’t enough to just rape you once. No. He had to take your body with him. I almost couldn’t bring myself to look lower. But I did. Again I whish I didn’t. I saw your abdomen covered with scars. He must have cut it and watched the cold blood flow out like the sick twisted freak that he is. Then I looked at your ass. Your brutally abused ass. There was a mixture of blood and semen pooling out of you and staining the bed sheets. I covered my mouth and ran out of there. I’m sorry Shinya. I couldn’t stay.

Now I’m sitting in my apartment. I haven’t talked to anyone since that day. It’s been three weeks. I’ve only left my apartment once. To buy this. Now I sit here with a gun in my hands. The cold solid metal promises me a better future, an escape from this pitiful life. Because my life is nothing without you in it.

Three months later a man stood over two graves. The graves were side by side as if the two people buried there were lovers. “Six months ago an angel died.” The man said. “Three months ago another angel died.” The man paused for a moment of silence. “Seven months ago a devil was locked away leaving the angels free to be with each other in peace.” (1) The man closed his eyes. A single tear fell from his right eye. A single tear for lost friendships. But the man also had a smile on his face. A smile for true love coming together in the end.

1.) The angels are Shinya and Die and the devil is Kaoru.
The man at the end could be anyone (except Shinya, Die or Kaoru). I personally was thinking of Toshiya but it doesn’t matter.
I wrote this after reading a short story by Ellen Poe in English class.

au, dir en grey, english, diexshinya, angst, kaoruxshinya, r, rps

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