
Aug 09, 2006 22:24

Title: toxic (yeah I stole that from a Brittany Spears song. At least she’s good for something.)
Author: helldarkangel
Theme: 15. Death
Rating: NC-17 for violence and rape
Pairing: Kaoru x Shinya, slight mention of Die x Shinya
Disclaimer: I do not own Kaoru or Shinya. Yep. Don’t own them. Also this never happened.
Comments: I’m going to warn you right now. This is twisted and someone dies. Yep, death fic. If you don’t like them then don’t read but if you are in the mood for something sick and/or to cry then please read. It’s also from Kaoru’s point of view. I wrote this at 1:00 in the morning. Then I stopped. Then I finished it today in school. It’s the end of the year so you can get away with not paying attention in class. : )

I’ve been watching you Shinya. From the first moment that I saw your beautiful face highlighted by the pale moonlight. From that night on I had watched you. I followed you everywhere. From your house to the local 7-11 that you worked at and even to that little pet store that you would go in to buy dog food. Everything was perfect then. But then you had to ruin it.

You had gone out to a bar. Something I found strange because I’ve never seen you around other people. You were wearing that beautiful tight leather mini skirt. You looked so hot. I wanted to drag you into the bathroom and fuck you there. But you were too good for some dirty public bathroom. No, I was going to treat you like a prince. I would have wrapped you in fine white silk and worshipped your perfect body. But you ruined it.

He greeted you but you pretended not to care. I saw your face however. If gave you away. Your face seemed to brighten every time he talked to you. Even if it was just to ask if you wanted another beer and you would shake your head yes your face brightened. Of course your glass was already full but you would accept another just for the chance to have him look at you.

I hated him. He was so perfect. Of course physically he wasn’t perfect but to you he was. In your eyes he was a God and I longed for you to look at me like that. He didn’t deserve you and I was going to tell him that. I was going to show you that he could never touch you again.

I followed you home just like I did every night. I would watch an unexpected you close and lock the door to the 7-11. I never understood that. It’s a 7-11. That means it should be open all the time. Regardless you had the job of locking up the store. Just like every other night I followed you to your apartment. But tonight was different. I didn’t leave after you fell asleep. Instead I followed you up to your apartment room.

Remember? I got into the elevator with you. I pressed the floor above yours so that it wouldn’t look too suspicious. After all it wasn’t that hard to run down a flight of stairs. I made it down the stairs just in time to see what room was yours.

One…two…three...four…five…and so on I counted until I got to your room. I was smiling. I was going to tell the world that you are mine.

It was coming closer now. My heart was beating rapidly at the thought of you becoming mine. I was going to show you that every single part of you belonged to me.

I knocked on your door. You must have been surprised that someone was here so late at night. I could tell that you were hoping it was he because when you answered the door you had a shy smile on. But as soon as you saw it was not he your face turned to confusion. You didn’t know me but I knew you.

I smashed my lips to yours in a forceful kiss. This stranger kissing you stunned you. As I kissed you I pushed you back into the apartment. As soon as we were inside I pushed you away causing you to fall back against the couch. I closed the door and locked it. I must have looked like some crazy psycho to you when I turned around because you had a horrid look on your face and you were backing away from me. But you were wrong. You mistook my craziness for love and devotion.

I came closer to you. You tried to run but ended up stumbling and falling right back on the floor. You screamed and started wiggling your body trying to escape my hold. I just laughed at your silly childlike acts. You were so cute and that voice was to die for. I longed to hear that voice cry out in pleasure. I longed to hear that voice scream out under me. The thought of finally having you aroused me.

You must have felt it because suddenly you stopped moving and went stiff. I was smiling behind you. Yes I was going to take you, violate you. I buried my face into your hair. You smelled nice, like strawberries.

I picked you up. You were so light. I carried you to the bedroom as you kicked and screamed for your life. It wasn’t hard to find your bedroom in this tiny apartment.

I threw you on the bed and quickly climbed on top of you to prevent you from escaping. You still struggled with me. I was able to grab your hands and keep you from attacking me. I took both of your hands and held them above your head with one hand. You were struggling and whining for your life. I took my other hand and moved it over your clothed chest. You seemed to lose power when I quickly ripped your shirt off.

I traced my fingertips lightly over your nipples. I knew that you were enjoying it by the look on your face as you tried to hold back your pleasure. I pressed my thumb hard against you nipple. You gasped. I brought my tongue down to lick it. You started struggling again with renewed strength. When will you learn that you can’t escape me? I will have to punish you. I bit down on the nipple causing you to let out a little scream of pain.

You whined as I finished with your nipple. I traced your lips with my fingers. When I looked at you your eyes were filled with fear but you tried to act tough by glaring at me. I smirked, I told you not to worry and that I will never touch you again after this. That seemed to put you at ease. You seemed content to let it happen to you even though you didn’t like it. Little did you know that no one would ever touch you again after me.

I pulled up your skirt and groped you through your thin panties. I could feel you hardening as I touched you. You had your eyes closed tight, trying to ignore the pleasure. But don’t worry, I won’t let you feel pleasure if you are ashamed of it.

I took my hand that was holding yours and brought it down to your thighs. Spreading them with both of my hands I took my hand and ripped the panties off of you. Your eyes widened as you whimpered. I could tell that you didn’t want this anymore. Don’t worry it will all be over soon.

I marveled at your hot body and the way your tight skirt rode up your hips revealing your semi hard member. The sight turned me on even more. I knew that I was completely erect now. It must have been obvious by the huge bulge in my pants.

I unzipped my pants and took myself out. You were afraid again and attempted to escape but my body hovered over you preventing it.

I told you not to be scared of me and not to worry. I think you need to be punished again. So I entered you. I entered you without any lube or preparation. You screamed and clawed at the bed sheets. I didn’t wait for you to adjust to the new invasion. Instead I pulled out to the tip and slammed back in hard.

I watched as my member pulled out of your tight hole slick with blood and precum. I watched as I pushed back in, your ass engulfing me, burring me deep inside of you and making us one.

You were crying from the shame and screaming from the pain. But I didn’t care. You betrayed me. So I fucked you hard. So hard that I was sure that the bed would break. I pounded into you harder and deeper with each new thrust.

As I sped up I brought my hands to your neck. Your beautiful neck. I tightened my grip around your neck. Your eyes were wide with fear. I pounded into you as I pressed down harder causing you to choke.

I could feel my member surrounded by your moist heat. I could feel myself near the edge. I fucked you harder and faster. Your face was twisted in pain. And then I came. I thrust into you as deep as I could. Your eyes went wide when you felt my hot cum fill you and paint your insides white. It was the last things you felt as you took your last breath. I saw you face become still. You looked like a doll. My doll.

My body relaxed as I collapsed on top of you. My breath was rapid as I came down from the high of orgasmic bliss. I smiled. Now you are mine Shinya. Mine. I pulled out of you and zipped my pants back up. I stuck my fingers into your ass. It was covered with seamen and your blood. I licked the finger and smiled.

Bending down I kissed your cold unresponsive lips.

I’m going to write a sequel from Die’s point of view next. : )

non-con, au, dir en grey, rape, english, diexshinya, kaoruxshinya, nc-17, rps, death

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