Finding The Sun

May 28, 2007 17:33

Title: Finding The Sun
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: one shot
Fandom: Preppy G
Pairing: Lek (implied Lek/female band member)
Rating: PG-15
Genre: angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Preppy G or Lek. I am not making money from this.
Summary: It is impossible to reach the sun.

Her father once told her that it was impossible to reach the sun, but that was what she wanted. Her dream was to reach the sun, and she did not care how impossible the idea was, she was going to do it. Then again, that was what made Lek so unique; she always wanted the impossible. Even after growing up and learning that part of her still did not change. She still wants the impossible.

"You are a very persistent little child," Her father said. He looked up towards the sun and gave a dramatic sigh. "It is impossible."

"But papa!"

He shook his head. "Well... no. Forget it."

"Papa!" She tugged on her father's arm.

"You really want to reach the sun?" She nodded. "Okay," He chuckled. "First you have to find the sun."

Lek giggled. "It's right there Papa." She pointed to the sky. "Can't you see?"

Her father rubbed his eyes and gasped in shock. "So it is!" He exclaimed causing little Lek to giggle some more.

Back then her father's words seemed so silly. Of course she knew where the sun was. But, only now does she know what he meant. Lek looked out the window. The sun was shinning brightly over the city. It was so beautiful and happy. Lek closed her eyes. She imagined the sun, her sun, smiling at her, holding her hand, and hugging her. She thought about all the fun times that they had together, from recording in the studio to spending their break together at the amusement park. They were the greatest of friends.

A tear slid down her face followed by another, and another until Lek was sobbing. "I have found the sun father," She cried. "But it is impossible to reach."

preppy g, lek, rpfs, pg-15, english, angst

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