
Feb 20, 2007 21:35

Title: Tunes
Author: vulgar_vogue also known as helldarkangel
Length: one shot
Fandom: Alice Nine
Pairing: Shou/Hiroto
Rating: R (to be safe. Breif mentions of sex)
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Alice Nine. I am not making money off of this.
Summary: Shou and Hiroto love making music together.
Notes: Just random musings on Shou and Hiroto, an the beautiful music of Alice Nine. This has to be the shortest thing that I have ever written. ^^ It is just short of 300 words. XD

Shou and Hiroto were two talented musicians. Shou had a talent for creating art with his writing, art that dazzled whoever read what he wrote, and his voice brought the unforgettable life to his words. Hiroto had the tune. He composed the beautiful music and made sure that each sound, each note, was perfect, even if it would never be completely perfect to him it was pretty damn close.

Shou and Hiroto created beautiful music, but it was when they came together that the real magic happened.

Neither man could remember just how many times they, just the two of them, had stayed behind in the studio to work on their music. Most of the time they would end up staying up well past the sun rise of the new day. They would get so caught up in their work; no, work was not the right word. It never felt like work to them, it was always fun. Music, it was something that both men had a deep connection and love towards.

Hiroto would sit on the floor and strum his fingers against the strings of his guitar. Shou would have his eyes closed as he left his mind free to travel to places. They felt the music in themselves and each other. Their music brought the two men closer together.

Neither Shou nor Hiroto knew who made the first move, but neither man wanted to stop. It just felt right; the clothes coming off, the heavy, steaming kisses, their bodies coming together, it all just felt right.

Nothing had to be said, they both felt it. It was an undeniable spark between the two, and it was not something that could not be easily broken, much like how their music could never be taken away from them.

shouxhiroto, alice nine, romance, r, english, rps

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