When Glass Breaks

Feb 10, 2007 13:39

Title: When The Glass Breaks
Author: vulgar_vogue/helldarkangel
Length: one shot
Fandom: Dir en grey
Pairing: Kaoru/Natsuki (OFC)
Rating: PG-15
Genre: angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Dir en grey or Kaoru. I am also not making money off of this. However, I do own Natsuki.
Summary: You can’t make someone love you. Reality is such a bitch.

“Kaoru, do you love me?” A tender female voice spoke. She snuggled up close to the other man. “Because I think I love you.” Kaoru sighed before abruptly sitting up and swinging his feet over the side of the bed. “Kaoru?” The young woman questioned, her long black hair falling over her shoulder as she sat up. She held the bed sheet tightly around her naked body.

Kaoru searched for his clothes on the floor and started to put them on. “What are you doing Kaoru?” She was nervous now.

“I’m leaving Natsuki,” Kaoru answered.

“But why?” Her face was filled with worry and she was sitting on her knees now, but Kaoru didn’t see her face. His back was towards her. He knew that if he turned around he would be filled with an overwhelming sense of guilt.

But Kaoru had nothing to be guilty about. After all, they both had agreed to this. They both decided that they would be friends who slept with each other and nothing more. It seemed like the perfect solution, to have someone to have sex with whenever you wanted to but without all the annoying things that came attached with having a girlfriend or boyfriend. No jealously, and no commitment. And the minute someone started to fall in love, be it with the other or someone new, the deal was off.

“You know why,” Kaoru whispered. He didn’t want to scream at her. She was hurt enough already.

“Kaoru,” She pleaded. “Please don’t leave.” She clung to the bed sheet as Kaoru searched for the rest of his clothing. “Kaoru.” She spoke his name, her voice barely above a whisper. Natsuki crawled out of bed and with the sheets wrapped tightly around her body she walked over to Kaoru. Natsuki wrapped her arms around the older man.

Kaoru sighed. “Natsuki, don’t do this.” Her response was to hold him tighter. Kaoru pulled on Natsuki’s hands until he was able to escape her tight hold.

“Kaoru!” Natsuki cried out. She had tears running down the side of her face and her lips were shaking.

Kaoru picked up his shirt from the floor and put it on. By now he was fully dressed. He gave one more “I’m sorry” look at Natsuki before turning around and leaving the bedroom.

“Kaoru wait!” Natsuki called out as she followed him. “I’m sorry! Please stop.”

Kaoru turned around to face the young woman. “Natsuki you know we can’t do this anymore. That was the deal.”

Natsuki shook her head. “Please. Let’s just go back to the way it was. Let’s pretend that this never happened,” She sobbed.

“You and I both know that it will not work anymore,” Kaoru said.

Natsuki’s body was shaking from her tears as she fell down to the floor with her hands covering her face. She never wanted this to happen. She never wanted to lose him. She never meant to fall in love with him, but she could not stop her heart. She was hoping against everything that he loved her too, but her hope was in vain, and now she was alone.

She kept hoping that he wouldn’t leave her, that he would come over to her and hug her, but instead she was greeted with the heart shattering sound of the front door.

Once he was outside Kaoru leaned against the door. He didn’t want to deal with that. That was the whole reason why he agreed to this kind of a relationship. He didn’t want to hurt her but if he didn’t end it now it would only hurt more in the future, right?

dir en grey, kaoruxoc, rpf, pg-15, english, angst

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