[Accidental Video]
[In the morning, Adell's journal clicks to life without him noticing. The scene viewers are treated to is the inside of Adell's room, which is... currently a little Spartan in decoration. There's not much on the walls, except a picture or two of people he once knew from Luceti. Otherwise, there's a bookcase in the room that is
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She happens to be going solo on a Blue Dragon and she's not really faring that well. Be a nice not!uncle and help your not!niece out?]
Hey, you overgrown gecko! Pay attention to me if you don't want me to break your face!
[Selphie's had only a few occassions to see Adell at work as she fires off another round of Faeren's magic at the beast before a few decisive flicks of her wrist lands a few painful sounding blows as the Dragon roars in fury.]
If we can get at its belly...
[Following up his elbow strike, Adell lands back onto the ground, but immediately rockets back up with a flaming, jumping uppercut to the dragon's jaw... hopefully giving it enough of a blow to flip it over, or at least expose its stomach.]
[Selphie watches with genuine amazement as Adell flips the Dragon onto its side as she dashes forward and flicks one wrist send her weapon careening into the beasts soft underbelly and her other hand slams onto the dried earth as Faeren opens up a chasm underneath the Dragon.]
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