060 [Accidental Video/Action]

Sep 15, 2011 17:54

[Accidental Video]

[In the morning, Adell's journal clicks to life without him noticing.  The scene viewers are treated to is the inside of Adell's room, which is... currently a little Spartan in decoration.  There's not much on the walls, except a picture or two of people he once knew from Luceti.  Otherwise, there's a bookcase in the room that is... surprisingly, pretty full.  Of books.  There are a few non-book things there, but hey, this might surprise a few people.  And on one of the walls is a mirror... which Adell is looking into as he's tying that massive tie of his.  Given how much he wears it, he's having no trouble at all tying it and making it look neat.  No dorky clip ons for this guy.  But the video feed will also pick up Adell's idle musing to himself...]

...Has it really been this long?  ...Two years.  [A sigh.]  Didn't think I'd be stuck here for this long.  But it feels like it's gone by too damn fast.  Still...
[He finishes tying his tie, then runs a brush through his mess of hair.  ...It really doesn't do much, but he does it anyway.]  I guess it's not really that long of a time in the grand scheme of things.  Got a bunch of it left.   So, let's just start another day.

[And there may be a smile in his voice as he speaks the next part.]

...And today's the day I test out that new combat simulation I made in the Battle Dome.  Guess that'll be the best way to "celebrate."

[Obviously, he doesn't realize this video is running.  People are free to call him out on being stupid for letting it happen.

Otherwise, Adell will head to the Battle Dome to try out the new "game" he made.  Essentially, it amounts to a room-to-room dungeon crawler where you complete an objective in a room and go to the next... but the rooms can be just about anything Adell's mind thought of.  Anyone brave enough to want to intercept there?  Or crazy enough to try it with him?]
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