I can't believe I leave for my third No Brand Con in just 2 days now... This weekend is going to be unimaginable amounts of fun. From seeing my Wisconsin peeps again to the awesome parties that made last year's No Brand legendary, it's all going to come back this year with upgrades. There are probably 3 things I'm looking forward to the most this time:
- Going back on the auction block in the Man Auction. I sold for $15.50 last year to a very determined Yomiko Readman cosplayer. I wonder who will be determined enough to buy me at one of the highest prices in the show. (I was third last year in the group of eight, behind two convention founders/legends.)
- "Microsofting" Vinnk Inc.... again.
- Two words: Advent Children. ;-)
And I have to voice discontent with the cancellation of the Leinenkugel brewery tour. Jeers toward Rich's job that won't let him take Monday off so we can all get drunk in Wisconsin!
And honestly, with no offense to my No Brand peeps, I've been more concerned about Anime Central in a few weeks. No Brand Con's an easy planning job - ACen takes quite a bit of work. Having enough help on site is a concern, and having enough product for the hordes is an even bigger concern... I wish we could sell snacks at that show, just so I could bring Pocky in by the PALLET.
Add onto this my recent snack and manga distributor shake-ups and imminent web site launch, there's quite a bit on my plate right now. Boy am I excited! I especially can't wait to get the site rolling and open for wholesale business. We're on the verge of growing into the midwest's Chicago-based anime and anime-related distributor for both end users and business resale. ... YEAH, imagine that! (With most distributors based in the LA or NY areas, it'll be nice to help the midwest businesses save some money.)
Even though this is a crazy crazy time, I can't wait to jump into the wacky factory that is the perennially funn No Brand Con!