Sep 06, 2006 01:21
It seems a certain weariness has replaced the normative vigor of youth. Many seem to be jaded and tired of present conditions in our world. I know I myself am, and trying to figure out what I will "do" for a living seems to be the last thing on my mind these days. All of the petty everyday occurances seem to evaporate from my consciousness as soon as they are over.
I went with Jaime to SF this last weekend to celebrate my birthday and hang out with some SLO/A-town kids. It was a fun but also strange experience for me. On one hand it was good to spend some time around the city where I will be moving this winter, but on the other it made me realize all of the things I love about santa cruz. The beautiful surrounding woods, the fairly simple streets in town, and my politically like minded friends. These are things I will miss and will have to come back and visit frequently. Ive never had a hard time standing on my own both ideologically and otherwise though, and this comforts me in the face of this impending new chapter in my life. I feel like Santa Cruz has given me the strength of character and strong convictions needed to move on with confidence wherever it is im trying to get to.