Комментатор создал себе Заслугу, раскопав
забытое обещание поднять на верхний уровень историю Сударшана,
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Сударшан обойденный нобелевкой все же смог пробиться, но мафия его таки от нобелевки спасла
Вы же вот это читали?
Всё сходится: у F+GМ была сильная позиция, Сударшан -- какой-то постдок: грех не пижануть, лишив Сударшана с Маршаком нобеля.
Das Пижинг
У Сударшана спиздили _два_ нобеля. Второй - Глаубер; там вообще история за гранью добра и зла.
Но какой мужик-то умный был, а А в связи с отжимом V-A теории вспоминается аналогичная история про поведение Ландау по отношению к Иоффе с Галаниным, уж извините за ссылку: Про детали истории с Гелл-Манном я впервые узнал из популярной книжки Christoph Schiller, В пятом томе он пишет:
The physicist George Zweig (b. 1937 Moscow ) proposed the quark idea - he called them aces - in 1963,
with more clarity than Gell-Mann. Zweig stressed the reality of aces, whereas Gell-Mann, in the beginning,
did not believe in the existence of quarks. Zweig later moved on to a more difficult field: neurobiology.
Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929 New York ) received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969. He is the originator
of the term ‘quark’. The term has two origins: officially, it is said to be taken from Finnegans Wake, a novel by James Joyce; in reality, Gell-Mann took it from a Yiddish and German term meaning ‘lean soft cheese’ and used figuratively in those languages to mean ‘silly idea’.
Gell-Mann was the central figure of particle physics in the 20th century; he introduced the concept of
strangeness, the renormalization group, the flavour SU(3) symmetry and quantum chromodynamics itself.
A disturbing story is that he took the idea, the data, the knowledge, the concepts and even the name of the V−A theory of the weak interaction from the bright physics student George Sudarshan and published it, together with Richard Feynman, as his own. The wrong attribution is still found in many textbooks.
Gell-Mann is also known for his constant battle with Feynman about who deserved to be called the most
arrogant physicist of their university. A famous anecdote is the following. Newton’s once used a common
saying of his time in a letter to Hooke: ‘If I have seen further than you and Descartes, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.’ Gell-Mann is known for saying: ‘If I have seen further than others, it is because I am surrounded by dwarfs.’
Ну и интервью Марри тоже стоит посмотреть: Начинаешь понимать, почему его Швингер не выносил.
Кстати, Фенйман вроде себя приличнее вел, и отдавал, как мог, Сударшану due credit.