And in other news...

May 31, 2008 04:03

I had two interviews phone, one face to face...the phone interview culminated in my getting a face to face with the V.P. in charge of the group I would be working for (this is for A LOT of money) and then I went to work and had a face to face interview for a different position at the bank (read: back up plan)...both of these jobs will get me off of late nights (read: give me back a social life) and weekends (read: i won't want to choke people all the time)...the upcoming interview is for what is essentially my dream job...writing training docs at home for a ridiculously stupid amount of money for working in one's pajamas (read: well, you don't want to read too much into me)...the interview today went so friggin well, I couldn't have scripted it any better and my recon team informed me that the managers were REALLY excited after the interview...(read: after the interview and all the recommendations I've gotten, I will likely be offered if something goes terribly wrong in tuesday's interview...apparently though, the V.P. told his office manager that he would schedule around my availability...this V.P. is apparently the one who found my resume online...(and they job boards don't work)'s uncanny...roughly 6 months to the week after I started submitting resumes (following the hope for 3 months, plan for 6 philosophy of career hunting) I get these two interviews...I think I've hit my stride and whatever little black cloud was hanging over my job karma has started to break...if you have some energy to spare...send some thoughts my way around my getting the right job for I said, if you have the time/energy to spare...thanks.

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