Feb 11, 2008 21:12
Wow,things have changed. This joint is getting all fancy schmancy.I like the text thingy. So, what's up? I'm pretty much the same, the cats are fatter, and I have become an EBay nut. It's therapeutic forpetesake. I have to get dressed, have to go out, have to interact with people andI buy wonderful junk. There is a lot of wondrous junk in St Pete because people die a lot and all the crap their kids never liked immediately goes to Goodwill or garage sales! Voila, I buy things for nothing and regularly make a huge profit on it. Actually having an art background doesn't hurt, generally I recognize quality, and a lot of the time I buy things I don't even LIKE but know it'll sell. Philip is flabbergasted. He can't believe what I sell.there.
So when I was in Plano a few weeks ago we went to a Goodwill and he watched to see how and what I'd pick. I immediately saw a small basket with feathers that looked American indian, I forget how much but I rarely pay more than $1.25 for ANY basket. It was signed and numbered..
I also bought a set of 4 unusual and large silver mugs. Since he's always in a hurry,we spent perhaps 15 minutes (if that) so I couldn't look very much.
The basket is a cherokee basket signed by one of the most noted makers in the country, a woman noted for revival of the technique of weaving "double walled" baskets. She died last August and during her life won many honors for her work, some of which are in museums and prestigious galleries. One I saw at auction sold for over $400.00
The mugs are from brazil, and although I paid $12 for the set I expect to get $35-$50 for them, but I am still researching them. They may be worth more.
Its fun, it blurs my blues and self pity and loneliness. Thats worth something....and the money helps a lot. Plus I just love to amaze Philip....hahahaha. His turn to visit next, we're still looking for the Strad no one knew about to show up for $10 or so. I am afraid he may have to settle for an Amati... ;o] I'll keep you posted on the basket......