Jul 10, 2006 08:46
We accidently did a lot of yardwork yesterday. I say 'accidently' because I'd only meant to do a small part of the yard (we have 2 front landscaped pieces that came with the house, with the obligatory boxwood shrubby things, and I was going to landscape one of them) so my early morning trip to the Home Depot consisted only of 5 bags of landscaping rocks, a cube of peat moss, a couple of bags of top soil, 3 mexican heathers, 2 boxes of marigolds, 2 begonias, and a guacamole hosta that I -absolutely- fell in love with and had to have, despite the fact that I have no shade to speak of. We raked old pine straw and dumped it in the woods. We moved shrubs into more pleasing arrangements. We dug holes, and mixed peat and topsoil in, we planted plants and evened edges, and placed rocks. Then we stood back, admired our work, and said, "Hey, let's do the rest!!!"
8 hours, 42 bags or landscaping rocks, 7 bags of topsoil, 1 cube of peat moss, 30 bits of black plastic edging, 1 bag of potting soil, and 7 pizzas later, we have a beautifully landscaped front right bit (that's the only part I'd gotten new plants for) containing the heathers, the hosta, my rosebush (that James had gotten for me last week, but we hadn't gotten in the ground yet), 2 big pots containing begonias, 2 small green boxes containing marigolds, the area around the tree finished, and the left bit landscaped except for any new plants (except for the Japanese maple that I thought I'd killed, but has struggled back to life under the tender ministrations of my niece).
And, OMG, I am sore today. Ow. Pictures later this week.