So I went to the oncologist yesterday, and everything looks good. I didn't have to get another CT scan, because, unless my blood test (the dreaded cancer marker test) comes back elevated, then he is not worried that it has returned. He changed some medications according to symptoms I had and questions I asked, and was generally a nice guy about the whole thing. I absolutely love my oncologist. Doesn't hurt that he's one of the top in the country. And young and cute, and has an accent that just makes me melt. *swoon* Ahem. Anyway. So looking better on the health front. :)
Grabbed a quick dinner with James and Elizabeth at Showmars - I don't know why I keep going there. It annoys the hell out of me every time I do. But it was a nice little walk around downtown, which I love doing. I need to do that more often. Charlotte, unlike Atlanta, actually HAS an interesting 'downtown' that I'd like to get to know better. James dropped me off at the CPCC for opera work, and then rushed home to babysit Charlotte so Heather and Chris could go see Aerosmith/Lenny Kravitz last night. A good concert, I've heard.
Work at the opera was interesting. I got to see the drops hung up... there is still some work to be done on the trees and mountains, as we ran out of some of the stabilising netting, and the mountains have to be hemmed a little higher to the bottoms are even with the side black curtains (which have a name I can't remember). Seville looks really good though! I got to put base coat on the fountain to hold in some of the stone-like texture before it gets its final coat of paint, base coat on the big arch (ow, arms hurt from stretching up so much, it's like 12 feet high or something), and a few other little things. The -really- cool part is that the cast was there to rehearse, so I got to hear the boy's choir (they were so cute!!!) and the orchestra, and the cast. I can't WAIT to see it live now!!!
Came home and logged into WoW for a little bit, and cleaned out mailboxes and banks and mailed a lot of stuff off to other people. Decided I need to trim down a few characters, since I'm not playing as much anymore. Picked one from each account to delete, made a few plans about who to work on next. I'm really liking my horde priest, but everyone I was playing with, with the exception of
dellaran has levelled up way past me now! I also like my little mage on Lightning's Blade... where my co-worker is. The server is kind of 'eh' but the people in the guild are funny and nice. So that makes it worth it. Tonight I have some time, so I am going to do some character maintenance (stocking up on food/drink/reagents/ammo that sort of thing, so that no matter who is needed, they will all be ready to go) and maybe upgrade some gear on a couple of them.
And I'm going to knit a bit this weekend! I want to start on my magic loop socks, as well as some felted slippers for my nephew. I've found a couple of patterns that I'd like to try. And Monday is a holiday! Yay!! :)