It has always annoyed the royal piss out of me when people say 'That's a mute point.'
twelveoaks can attest to this, from the amount of times I would come out of meetings at IBM grumbling about managers who used the phrase. This would usually, however, lead to amusing discussions of 'mondegreens' which aren't quite the same thing, but lumped into the same category as folk etymology when we were discussing the fact that your brain will come up with what it -thinks- should be in there when you don't quite hear something...
Anyway, I digress.
Last night as we prepared to visit
cardamom_23 for a car-ride and picnic to look at Christmas lights, James was singing Wayne Newton's "Danke Schoen, darling Danke Schoen" and Elizabeth started singing "Duncan's Shoes, Duncan's Shoes!" I said, "No, no sweetie... that means 'Thank You' in German. Danke schoen, bitte schoen. Thank you. You're welcome." So that lead to the song "Duncan's shoes are better shoes..."
*sigh* I give up. Maybe that's what spiders dream about while rowing their boats. It's a mute point.