Aug 05, 2007 00:18
I had three dreams that we'd left stuff at the flat last night, and it was too late to go back and get it. THREE, one after the other. I'm concerned at my subconscious mind's preoccupation with material things. Looking around my room, I'm thinking I should've left some of this junk. We had to put a tent up in the garden the other day to store some of it until we move into the new flat. Even if I had left something, it wouldn't matter. I don't need any more stuff.
So, in the light of not needing any more stuff, I bought two books yesterday. I wasn't going to, but then it was half price, and then there was this other one...
I may have to give my debit card into my brother's custody. I trust him not to give it back if I want it, but to give it back if I need it. The second book I didn't even read the blurb of, I just saw that it was £1.99 and about Carthage.
It's for my dissertation, I tell you!!! My degree is at stake, it was totally justified!!
And I got a new bible today, but I've been wanting one for a while. I have to face it, I'm not a Youth, and my Youth Bible is getting increasingly irrelevant. And annoying. I occasionally argue with some of the commentary, and I'm bored of the dumbing down. Look, okay, I may be a youth (except I'm not) but I can understand the word "Almighty", you don't have to change it to "All Powerful" every time. That's mildly insulting. And, hello, what teenager needs a footnote to explain what a prostitute is?
I'll still read it when I AM too dumb to understand the other translations. Then you can dumb it down at me, and I'll be grateful.
Next week: No spending money week!
flat 4,
my bedroom,