The theme of the Second Coming is not an easy topic.
I have already written that even among the followers of the Teachings there is no consensus about Him - about Grigori Grabovoi as the Savior of the World. Some put Him on a par with other teachers, his Teachings on salvation and harmonious development - with other esoteric teachings ... Moreover, someone believes that with or without Grabovoi - the collective consciousness of people is still rising.
This is a fundamentally wrong judgment.
According to the materials of Grigori Grabovoi's Teachings, many examinations - sociological, religious, cultural and others - were conducted by highly qualified specialists.
In particular, an analysis of the society evolution from the 15th century to the present time was made. In the 15th century, machine production and the use of wage labor took place within the framework of ethics and morality, which were based on traditional religions. And traditional religions at that time clearly regulated a person's attitude to work and wealth.
However, with the development of capital, the spiritual lost its priority over the material, and then subordinated the entire social existence not to human development, but to the production of a product as a commodity in the interests of monetary profit of a negligible number of the rich.
By the 20th century, not only the health of the population was radically undermined, but also the number of indigenous populations of industrialized countries sharply decreased.
The lack of ethics and morality and subordination of everything to commodity-money relations are welcomed and promoted in the world.
Social consciousness began to change when Grigori Grabovoi began to deliver his lectures-sermons about God, about Love, about Eternal Life, about Man and so on. This was the period from 1997 to 2006. In fact, we began to rethink the social norms reflected in the Scripture as the Christian teaching on love.
Grigori Grabovoi's Seminar
The information that goes through Grigori Grabovoi, his texts heal the Soul, the body, raise the Spirit to the level where it becomes life-giving...
What other teachings teach eternal life? And moreover - technologically: how to assemble own body on a physical level due to a developed mind and spirit. Who else can teach that?
We started to return back to God.
The collective consciousness began to change. The media started talking about the resurrection, there emerged polls of journalists - Would you like to live forever? That is, they started talking about eternal life. These words - "resurrection", "eternal life", "to live forever" began to appear frequently on the pages of newspapers and magazines.
And all this began to happen thanks to a man who was convicted... for spreading the belief in the universal resurrection of the dead, which is spoken of in all fundamental religions.
It seems to me that a society that allows Biblical truths to be flouted with particular cynicism at the state level is a sick society. In our society, a man who saved and has been saving other people during all his life, who created and offered to donate counter-terrorist technologies to governments of all countries of the world back in 2006... was convicted. At the same time in 2006, we - followers of the Teachings - appealed to the governments of many countries of the world. I remember that I myself wrote letters to embassies of different countries in English and French, and many signed these letters… But then no one wanted to hear us.
And so far we continue to live in this absurdity, because there is no full justification yet, the media continue to slander and mock...
What has the world gained by not standing up for the Savior?
From my point of view, the result was a pandemic in all countries, constant natural and man-made disasters ... the planet is covered by incomprehensible processes…
I think that in order to stop all this, in order to harmonize all processes on Earth, it is necessary for EVERYONE to stand up for the Savior and seek the full justification of Grigori Grabovoi.
The justification of Jesus Christ in the Second Coming - Grigori Grabovoi - this task seems to me to be a priority for EVERYONE, regardless of the country of residence, national, racial or cultural affiliation.
By standing up for the Savior, we save the world.
Elena Dagunts
February 25, 2022