Who: Tamaki and anyone else [OPEN]
What: Playing
this (Mozart's Sonata: Tamaki's theme song) on the piano as he thinks about all that's been going on.
Where: The Grand hotel ballroom in the residential area.
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG
One key after another, Tamaki's fingers gently played a familiar tune. One he often played when he was in that solemn mood. He was grateful for the newly established host club but it did have an incomplete feeling to it. With the absence of Kaoru, Hani, and Mori, things just weren't the same. Nothing was the same in general. He realized it when he spent the night with Hikaru to console him. The twin without his brother, that alone made a huge difference. His fun-filled school life, though chaotic, wasn't as chaotic as this. Still he played on with a soft smile on his face, thankful that he still has Kyouya, Hikaru, Haruhi, and how he was able to meet more friends by coming here.