Who: Jezebel and anyone else [OPEN]
What: Relaxing with the animals after the bugs have disappeared.
Where: On the outskirts of the forest
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13?
Finally it was over. The past few weeks have been restless with the bugs running about town. Though he could have cared less being attacked by one, he knew the trump wouldn't feel the same. It was just altogether easier to avoid any conflict or he'd be hearing it again. His one entertainment taken away, he was quite honestly out of ideas.
Jezebel took a nice stroll towards the outskirts of the forest and found himself a comfortable spot to sit. The forest did always give him a nostalgic feeling. It was almost as if he were back home in his mother's backyard again. Having sat there for a few minutes, it wasn't surprising that the animals finally managed to find him. He greeted them with an angelic smile and welcomed the bird onto his fingertips. Why couldn't the world be filled with animals instead of "pests(humans)"? He quietly pondered as he peacefully spent his time resting under the shades.